Appeared on the ABC News here

Our attention is often captured by the threatening or upsetting and there is good reason for this (see here). Of course, wherever there is difficulty, there are people in the community facing it with courage – often with outsiders trying to help. Infamous for its problems in the past, Fitzroy Crossing is now becoming a source of inspiration for anyone following the situation there thanks to the tireless efforts of members of the community. My understanding is that it was the women of the community who got the ball rolling, but this article shines the light on a few people who showed ingenuity and compassion in the face of adversity.

Taking the time to pay attention to inspiring people in situations like this is what we call ‘Empathic Joy’ in CEB and its importance cannot be overstated. Not that we should try to dull down or avoid any sadness or other emotions that arise, but to counterbalance them by attending to any good being done. Being pleased and even grateful for the good works of others is healthy and if we can aspire to do the same, then all the better.

Aspiration is the first step to action.