Article appeared here at The Conversation.

I often have several articles I think are important bookmarked away for a time when I can log on and post with a bit of commentary (or ranting, if you prefer). Occasionally an article pops up that seems so important it should jump the line and needs little if any comment from me.

Basically, I concur with comments like this, for example:
“mindfulness is an ideal tool to induce compliance, with its focus on the individual management of our responses to forces we’re being told are well beyond our control.” Even within Buddhism there are different takes on how to define mindfulness, but most would agree that it should give us an ability to tell the constructive from the destructive and help us to act in accordance with our views, not suppress our views and values in order to be compliant and (dare I say it) “non-judgemental.”

Mindfulness practice will not just help us identify bullshit when we see it, but to call it out and judge it as inappropriate, unhelpful etc. and even to go ahead and do something about it. It’s the basis of sensible and rational action, not an “opiate for the proletariat.” Anyway… no need to rant when there is such an excellent (and quite short) article.