by petad | May 16, 2019 | Journal
I’ve often claimed that we can take control of our own well-being – that it’s a skill we can learn like any other. I stand by this, but like all worthwhile endeavours, it takes time, enthusiasm and a little commitment. My clients are always looking...
by petad | May 16, 2019 | Journal
I’ve said it before because it’s important, so here it is again: change is hard. And it’s much harder to go it alone. Ideally, we need at least one person who can offer guidance. Otherwise, we tend to miss our successes and improvement and we might miss or be...
by petad | Aug 18, 2015 | Journal
CLICK HERE to participate in important research I first received formal training in meditation at the Toronto Zen Centre. It was the summer of 1995 and it was exactly what I had been looking for – not an answer to life’s deeper mysteries or even a little stress...